"If you can't get in to our clinics we can deliver a range of treatments in the comfort of your own home"
At Bakewell Physiotherapy Group we have an established domiciliary physiotherapy service, which allows physiotherapy assessments and treatments to take place in the comfort of your own home.
This is extremely beneficial if you or a loved one has limited mobility and would prefer not to travel to our clinics for treatment.
Our extremely experienced physiotherapists can:
▪ Provide rehabilitation following a stroke or other neurological conditions
▪ Help build confidence following a fall
▪ Develop strength and stamina after a hospital stay or any other illness
▪ Provide advice on aids and adaptations to allow greater independence at home
Our physiotherapy service aims to work with clients to achieve goals based in the home environment. If required, two members of the therapy team can work together with a client if their needs are greater and would feel safer with more assistance.
For more information or to discuss your needs please call: 01629 814433.